Healthcare Strategists has excelled in the area of community healthcare assessments, covering a range of areas from small rural communities to large urban populations of up to 5 million people. Our assessments encompass a variety of topics, including safety net studies, emergency medical services (EMS) assessments, and trauma system planning, assessment, and implementation services.
We bring in-depth experience to our community-wide healthcare assessments, leveraging strong data analysis and a comprehensive understanding of the geographic, healthcare stakeholder, disparities, and policy issues these studies involve. More recently, Healthcare Strategists has been actively involved in healthcare safety net assessment studies. These studies entail qualitative and quantitative analyses of how uninsured or underinsured individuals currently obtain healthcare and how to ensure they can access it in the future.
For instance, Healthcare Strategists recently completed two large studies for Marin County and San Diego County. After completing the San Diego study, Marin County contacted us to submit a proposal for a similar study. Although both studies were structured similarly, their outcomes varied significantly due to the unique circumstances of each area. Both studies relied on input from a wide range of key stakeholders, including patients, clinics, health centers, policymakers, and hospital inpatient and outpatient perspectives. This included emergency, trauma, primary and specialty care, and physicians. To map current services, we created a healthcare resource inventory detailing hospitals, clinics, services provided, languages spoken, hours of operation, and more. The studies also included an assessment of funding needs for healthcare safety net services over the next 20 years, focusing on estimating the demand and funding needs for uninsured and underinsured individuals and identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges to meet those needs. Both studies employed in-depth data analysis and gathered stakeholder input via Town Hall meetings, one-on-one interviews, and focus groups.
Additionally, our firm completed a comprehensive review of inpatient, outpatient, and EMS services for the greater Houston/Galveston area, the 11th largest metropolitan area in the country, and Harris County, the third-largest county. The main objective of this comprehensive regional study was to provide healthcare stakeholders in the greater Houston area (population 5 million) with a detailed assessment of the region's current emergency healthcare system and a roadmap for future development.
Healthcare Strategists utilizes its expertise in inventorying, data gathering, stakeholder input, collaboration, and methodologies to achieve your community-wide healthcare assessment project goals.
We bring in-depth experience to our community-wide healthcare assessments, leveraging strong data analysis and a comprehensive understanding of the geographic, healthcare stakeholder, disparities, and policy issues these studies involve. More recently, Healthcare Strategists has been actively involved in healthcare safety net assessment studies. These studies entail qualitative and quantitative analyses of how uninsured or underinsured individuals currently obtain healthcare and how to ensure they can access it in the future.
For instance, Healthcare Strategists recently completed two large studies for Marin County and San Diego County. After completing the San Diego study, Marin County contacted us to submit a proposal for a similar study. Although both studies were structured similarly, their outcomes varied significantly due to the unique circumstances of each area. Both studies relied on input from a wide range of key stakeholders, including patients, clinics, health centers, policymakers, and hospital inpatient and outpatient perspectives. This included emergency, trauma, primary and specialty care, and physicians. To map current services, we created a healthcare resource inventory detailing hospitals, clinics, services provided, languages spoken, hours of operation, and more. The studies also included an assessment of funding needs for healthcare safety net services over the next 20 years, focusing on estimating the demand and funding needs for uninsured and underinsured individuals and identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges to meet those needs. Both studies employed in-depth data analysis and gathered stakeholder input via Town Hall meetings, one-on-one interviews, and focus groups.
Additionally, our firm completed a comprehensive review of inpatient, outpatient, and EMS services for the greater Houston/Galveston area, the 11th largest metropolitan area in the country, and Harris County, the third-largest county. The main objective of this comprehensive regional study was to provide healthcare stakeholders in the greater Houston area (population 5 million) with a detailed assessment of the region's current emergency healthcare system and a roadmap for future development.
Healthcare Strategists utilizes its expertise in inventorying, data gathering, stakeholder input, collaboration, and methodologies to achieve your community-wide healthcare assessment project goals.